Firstly the image of the female artist in the digipak and magazine advertisement are identical. While the image used for the advert is not the cover's main image it is still used in the production and I felt myself it was a more effective image to draw attention to the advert itself. However, it still allows the audience to make a direct link between the two products. The strong female image is also present in our music video. The female protagonist, while used in other music videos as demeaning and weak, was strong and in control of her own decisions in our own video, challenging the female stereotype. She was the character to take control and choose who she wanted to date, the plot/narrative of the video itself. As the image on the digipak and the advertisement are (mostly) a full body shot, this may attract a male gaze so in some ways this hindered the stereotype challenge.
The cartoon effected images and the thought bubble/speech bubble from the digipak and advert reflected our editing techniques from the music video for "Superman". Using this effect for the Superman character and the female protoganist's imagination highlighted the cartoonish, youthful effect we wanted to establish in the video. I myself developed this idea further in my digipak and advert to create a recognisable theme for the band. The logo was created using the graffiti tool, emphasising the youthful aspect of the three products. The music video uses scenes of childish play in the park. The theme of love is used for all three products. The digipak and advertisement emphasise the band's love of music with the image of the heart incorportated onto the image of the female. This theme was also the main plot to our video, the female character on her mission to find love at a speed date. I produced a red glow around the heart, while in our video to emphasise the theme we used the romantic effect to add to the speed dating scenes.
I used the segoe script font for both the advert and digipak to create a signature style for the band, but to also again emphasise the synergy between the products. Although no font was utilised in the video, it reflected the genre of Pop/Rock with its "real handwriting" effect, as well as being a popular choice with my audience. The glow effect used around the images of the female adds to the surrealness of the album, but again creates a synergy between the products. It also ties in with the theme of Superman from the video, and also one specific editing technique where we used the dream effect to reflect the excitement and surrealness of the imagination of our protagonist.
Overall, I feel the combination of the digipak, advert and music video are effective due to the carefully selected characteristics in all three products, which in turn creates an effective synergy and a personal image that fans would instantly recognise. Some features are more obvious such as the colour scheme and logo from the digipak and advert, with the Superman/cartoon-related connotations/ influences becoming obvious once the music video is viewed.
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