Monday, 8 March 2010

Ideas for my own Advertisement

After looking at other magazine adverts such as Jamie T's Kings & Queens and Blur, I have come to some final decisions about my own magazine advert. These were:

  • It was clear that with some of the magazine adverts I researched, I discovered that many if not most use the same image and background from their album cover for the advertisement. I intend to replicate this technique myself in order to create a synergy between both products.
  • I will use the same font used on the digipak. This makes the style recognisable to the audience, as well as using the same logo for the band.
  • Something that I didn't manage to incorporate onto my digipak but wanted to originally was to use a speech bubble that would reflect the conventions of cartoons and comics, a theme running throughout the music video and digipak.
  • Jamie T's advertisement did not seem too overpacked with images and was rather much more simplistic but effective. This is another technique I want to include on my own design.
  • The information on these adverts was also quite sparse and so I wish to only include the release date, title and where it can be brought, as well as a website for the band.

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