Sunday, 14 February 2010

Ancillary Task Two - Magazine Advertisement

Our second Ancillary Task is to design a magazine advert for our digipak and so in order to prepare and research this task, I have looked at other examples of advertisements that will help me decide what to include in my own creation. My magazine advert and digipak need to demonstrate an correlating relationship. This is achieved through:

  • Research - looking at designs, colours, images, font type, layout, mise-en-scene, texture used in other magazine adverts of the Pop/Rock genre.
  • Using similar (if not identical) designs, colours, images, font type, layout, mise-en-scene, texture in your magazine cover as you have for my digipak.
  • Being able to show links between my digipak and magazine advert with our music video.
  • Making my digipak and magazine look as professional and realistic as possible.

When looking at these important aspects to include in my own magazine advert design, there are a few extra ideas that could be included to create a correlating relationship between the advertisement and digipak. These are:

  • An image to act as a teaser for the audience.
  • A colour scheme running throughout.
  • Continuity of the font type.
  • Connotations of the language.
  • Intertextuality - Propoganda.

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